Services Offered

If you’re ready to start learning more about your dog, choose a training program and begin your journey into better understanding them!

If you have trained with me before, head over to the Alumni page to take advantage of the discounted continued education options!

Payment plans available - Contact me for more details.

In-Person Training

3 Lesson Package - $450

This is a good fit for those wanting to work on basic manners, learning essential cues such as “Leave it”, come when called, and polite greetings. For puppies, working on socialization and potty training is also worked on while learning these skills.

This is also a good starting point for behavior issues, such as reactivity to <25% of triggers or barking at the door. When you have reached the end of your package, there is always an option to add on more sessions if you love the progress and want to continue proofing the skills or add on more training goals.

5 Lesson Package - $700

For those needing added support for more challenging behaviors, this is the package that will allow for more sessions to help tackle more training goals. I suggest this package for clients struggling with dogs that react to >25% of triggers and/or have had some minor bites on their record. This is also a good choice for adolescent or adult dogs that will over-escalate and will jump and mouth from excitement/frustration.

7 Lesson Package - $910

This is appropriate if you have a dog that is reacting to >50% of triggers and/or has a history of multiple bites. This can include very fearful dogs that may be too overwhelmed to leave the comfort of their home. This is also a good choice if you have a puppy, want to work on their basic manners, and know that entering into the adolescent stage is going to present new behaviors that will need to be addressed.

Virtual Training

3 Hour Lesson Package - $360

Virtual lessons differ from in-person lessons in that they can be scheduled either as an hour session or broken up into 30 minute sessions. So you could have three 1 hour sessions or six 30 minute sessions. How the hours are broken up is entirely up to you!

During these sessions, I will offer advice and support, as well as demonstrating skills with my demo dogs and coaching you through practicing them yourselves. Virtual sessions are also ideal for working on separation anxiety. Since multiple devices can join the meeting and we are able to practice graduated departures with the ability of seeing what your dog may be doing when you are not in the room.

Combo Lesson Package - $540

For some clients that would like the option of virtual training, but feel that a couple in-person sessions would help them kickstart and support their training plan. This package includes 2 in-person lessons and 2 hours of virtual training. Just like the 4 Hour Virtual Package, the 2 hours can be split into 30 minute sessions.

Schedule A Free Evaluation

Not only are there so many different training programs and techniques out there, but there are quite a few different trainers to choose from as well. It’s overwhelming to have that many choices, I get it! I would never ask someone to work with me unless they felt comfortable and fully committed to the training journey. So before you make any decisions, let’s get to know each other!

If you have adopted a new dog in the past 2 months, you are eligible to receive 15% off of training packages!

Proof must be given of the date of your adoption, such as adoption papers or a note from your vet stating you recently had a new check up with them.